GBN Preschool is a high school laboratory preschool located within Glenbrook North High School.
Our program gives Glenbrook North students the opportunity to observe and interact with preschool-aged students a part of their Child Development class. In addition to Mrs. Roer, high school students rotate throughout the day to assist.
Our program reflects how children learn and develop a multitude of skills in the areas of: literacy and language development, mathematical, logical and scientific thinking; social and emotional relationships; and through music and art. The program provides the preschool child with a great deal of individual attention, various stimulating materials, and exciting activities through experiences and friendship.
We have developed an enrichment component to the preschool program that has been beneficial to both our littlest Spartans as well as our high school students and staff. We have combined the many talents of our school community by working with various departments, i.e. math, science, choir, band, english and world languages.
Classroom tours are by appointment only. To schedule a classroom visit and meet the teacher, please contact Mrs. Roer.