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Student Publications

Lit Mag
Lit Mag is the club that oversees the publication of two magazines per year. The first edition is titled Euphonium and is published in the winter; the second is titled Helicon and is published in the spring.  Students who wish to work on these publications should attend the opening-of-the-year meeting in September.  Lit Mag is entirely extracurricular; all students are welcome to attend. The advisor will work with the student staff to establish an editorial process. Once the editorial process is established, students make all selections of works for publication. In order to receive official recognition for their participation (on the website and in the magazine), students need to have attended 50% of all meetings prior to the production of each magazine. 

Leadership positions are decided by faculty advisors at the start of the school year and are based on the previous year’s involvement and performance. Lit Mag student leaders are expected to meet with advisors outside of Lit Mag meeting times, attend 85% of all meetings, and take on a variety of managerial and leadership tasks. 

The Lit Mag Mission:  Lit Mag offers a creative outlet for all students. Lit Mag serves as a gateway to GBN’s most powerful illustrations, writing, and photography.  The purpose of this magazine is to celebrate all artists and craftspeople and shine a spotlight on those who have excelled in their work.  Lit Mag strives to foster an environment where these gifted student voices can be heard.

S.C.H.O.O.L. Magazine

Students Collectively Harnessing Outlets Of Literature is a magazine dedicated to serving as a forum for free speech and expression, both written and visual. Participation is extracurricular and entirely voluntary. All students who wish to contribute and participate are welcome. Regular meetings are announced; to participate, students need only to attend. Participants make selections and create the magazine by a consensus process without designated editorial positions. It is the policy of S.C.H.O.O.L. Magazine to reject submissions attacking specific individuals within our community, but otherwise to support the principle of free speech.

Torch (student-run newspaper) and Laconian (the yearbook)

Enrollment in these production classes is by application and final selections of students are made by the GBN publication advisors and faculty members familiar with the applicant. Participation in these classes requires a significant out-of-school commitment and results in publication of a minimum of six issues of the paper for Torch and the annual yearbook for Laconian.

Visit the Torch

Application Process

Publications Committee Members

  • Lit Mag Advisors
  • Laconian Advisor
  • S.C.H.O.O.L. Advisor
  • Torch Advisor
  • ARC Coordinators

Application Process for Torch and Laconian Membership

  1. At the beginning of the second semester, 10th-12th grade students may complete applications for Torch or Laconian and return completed applications to the appropriate advisor.
  2. Advisors review application forms and rank candidates, gathering supporting evidence from teacher references.
  3. The Publications Committee meets prior to the due date for registration to review rankings and make final selections.
  4. Applicants are informed of the outcome.