Physical Education, Health and Driver's Education
The Physical Education, Health, and Driver Education Department of Glenbrook North High School is committed to a "Healthy Body, Healthy Mind" approach. We educate students on the importance of mindfulness, nutrition, physical activity, sleep, social-emotional wellness and more. Additionally, we are dedicated to producing the safest drivers on the road.
Rules and Regulations
General Physical Education Rules
- Students cannot have food (includinag gum) or beverages (other than water) in class.
- Students may bring water bottles to class.
- Students that bring food or beverages (other than water) to class will be asked to dispose of these items.
- If a student’s medical circumstances require food or beverage in class, the teacher will work with the student to make an accommodation.
- Students cannot have personal electronic devices in class unless the teacher approves a specific lesson.
- Students that bring personal electronic devices to class without approval from the teacher will be referred to the dean’s office.
Locker Room Etiquette
- Students are required to provide a lock to secure belongings. This can be a personal/used lock or purchased through the bookstore.
- Locker room doors will be unlocked ten minutes before the end of the period. Students should not pound on the door.
- Cell phone use in the locker room is prohibited at all times.
- Lockers should not be shared. Students should only use the lockers that have been assigned.
- Lockers should be locked at all times. The school district is not responsible for the loss of any personal property. The locker room attendant will be able to provide a student’s locker combination if needed.
- Backpacks should be placed in the long locker. Do not leave backpacks on the bench or the floor to ensure that valuables are not stolen and that they are not creating a safety hazard.
- Only use the long locker during class for backpacks and clothes.
- After class, remove all items from the long locker, and place gym clothes in the short locker
Physical Education Dressing and PE Uniform Rules
- Students are required to wear a school-issued PE shirt each class. Uniforms consist of:
- School-issued shirt;
- Shorts or solid black athletic pants such as leggings, yoga pants, sweatpants, or wind pants (no holes, slits, patterns, colors other than black allowed);
- Non-marking athletic/tennis shoes (no boots, sandals, loafers, etc.);
- One-piece swimming suit for pool units (the school does not issue swimming suits); and
- a school-issued heart rate monitor strap.
- Additional shirts or replacement hear-rate monitors can be purchased through the bookstore and will be issued during PE through a lock room attendant.
- Students that do not have a complete uniform may rent pieces for a daily fee. Fees must be paid at the time the item is rented, and the item must be returned at the end of the class period:
- Shorts = $0.50
- T-Shirt = $0.50
- Heart Rate Monitor Strap = $0.50
Grading Procedures
All teachers adhere to a consistent grading procedure on regular attendance days.
Daily Points
Students can earn up to 10 points each class session.
- 2 Points – Properly dressed following PE uniform rules
- 4 Points – Fitness Portion
- 4 Points – Activity Portion
Points may be deducted if any of the expectations below are not being met:
- The student does not come to class dressed, following PE uniform rules, or prepared with the required supplies.
- Not dressed = 10 points deducted.
- Improperly dressed (when a student is missing one or more of the required PE uniform items but is dressed in other acceptable attire/clothes) = Up to 2 points deducted.
- The student does not perform the daily learning objective(s) to the standard set by the teacher.
- The student does not display a good attitude or sportsmanship towards their peers or teacher.
- The student is not demonstrating on-task behaviors or is not engaged in the learning objective(s) assigned for the day.
- The student disrupts the educational process or learning environment.
Taking PE as a Pass/Fail Class
A student may elect the pass/fail option for one course each semester per Board Policy.
A maximum of 2 credits (4 classes), not including Peer Group, Guided Study, Early Bird Physical Education, or Lab Assistant, may be taken during a student’s high school career with the Pass/Fail option.
Students interested in taking PE as a pass/fail option should contact their counselor.
It is anticipated that students will periodically be unable to attend class. A student’s absence will be considered: excused, exempted, or unexcused.
Excused Absence
Excused absences can be made up for credit.
Examples of excused absences include but are not limited to: called out by parent/guardian, doctor appointment, nurse visit, in or out of school suspension.
A student with an excused absence will initially receive 0 points for their daily grade until the absence is made-up for credit. Please see the Absence Make-Up Rules section of this document to make up an excused absence for credit (e.g., up to 10 points).
Unexcused Absence
Unexcused absences cannot be made up for credit.
Examples of unexcused absences include, but are not limited to, cutting class, refusing participation, or dressing.
A student with an unexcused absence will receive 0 points for their daily grade.
Exempted Absence
Exempted absences are given no credit. An exempted absence will not positively or negatively impact a student’s overall grade.
Examples of exempted absences include, but are not limited to:
- Attending a school-sponsored field trip;
- Attending an in-school college visit (limit of the equivalent of one block or 90 minutes per semester; Seniors only);
- Attending a school-sponsored athletic event;
- Attending a meeting (e.g., IEP/504, counselor, dean);
- Taking a school test (e.g., AP exam);
- Medical exemption from a doctor lasting 5 or more consecutive classes;
- Bereavement leave; or
- Religious observance;
Absence Make-Up Rules
Students can make up an excused absence for credit. The following conditions apply:
- Excused absences can be made-up within 15 school days from the day the student returns to school; if the absence is not made-up within this time frame, the grade remains 0 points.
- Regardless of the type of make-up, students must fill out a make-up card/google form and have it approved by a PE teacher or fitness center staff member who witnessed the make-up work being performed. If a card is used, it should be returned to the student’s PE teacher to receive credit for missed work.
- Students must change into a full PE uniform to make up a class. Students that do not change into a full PE uniform will not receive credit. There are no exceptions to this rule.
The options for making up an excused absence include:
Before School
- Join an Early Bird PE Class.
- 7:05 AM – 7:45 AM
During School
- Join a PE class (of the same type that was missed) during an SRT or otherwise free period or during lunches A/B.
- Complete an independent make-up in the Fitness Center during an SRT or otherwise free period, or during lunches A/B.
After School
- Complete an independent make-up in the Fitness Center.
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Other Options
- Students unable to make up a class before, during, or after school should contact their teacher for an alternative fitness-based make-up opportunity.
- These activities may include but are not limited to: utilizing fitness tracking technologies (e.g., Map My Run, LFConnect, Polar GoFit); providing documentation of physical activity pre-approved by the teacher.
Extra-Curricular Activities: If a student is on a medical for Physical Education or does not participate in Physical Education on a certain day, they CANNOT participate in extracurricular activities. If you have a medical to get out of Physical Education for one day, you may not participate in athletic/extracurricular events that day.
Students Receiving a Medical Accommodation
For a student to receive a medical accommodation, a letter from a qualified medical provider must be provided to the school nurse, who will then provide a copy of the teacher. Medical letters must:
- Be signed by the student’s medical provider and include a date of service;
- Provide a reason for the medical accommodation, and list acceptable modifications when appropriate; and
- Specify the length of the exemption (e.g., number of weeks) or the date of the student’s next follow-up appointment.
Upon a student’s medical accommodation being approved, the following conditions will apply.
If the accomondation's length is 4 or less consecutive classes:
- The student will continue to attend Physical Education class but will only participate to the extent allowed under the modifications provided from the medical letter that meets the above criteria, up to and including no participation.
- If the student is unable to participate without modification, Absence Make-Up Rules will apply.
If the accommodation’s length is 5 or more consecutive classes:
- The school nurse will contact the Student Services department to assign the student to a Study Hall.
- All missed work for medicals lasting more than 5 consecutive days will be marked as exempt.
- A student missing more than half of the grading period will receive an “M” for a grade that semester.
For all accommodations:
- The end of the student’s medical accommodation is determined by a medical letter that meets the previously stated criteria. The exemption will either end when the minimum length of exemption expires or on the student’s next follow-up appointment date.
- To have a medical exemption extended or shortened, please provide an updated medical letter that meets previously stated criteria. The medical letter should specify that the student can resume physical education participation.
It should be noted that a student receiving a medical accommodation for physical education cannot participate in any extracurricular activities.
Students Receiving a Medical Accommodation During a Swimming Unit
Students will continue to attend class but only participate to the extent allowed under the modifications provided in the medical letter.
If a student has a medical accommodation specific to swimming (e.g., chlorine allergy), the student will be required to participate in an alternate activity. This same approach will be used for students who cannot swim for religious reasons.
If a student has a medical accommodation due to menstruation, the following conditions apply:
- The student must provide a note from a parent/guardian stating that the student cannot participate due to menstruation. If a student does not have a note, they can provide one for the following class.
- The student will participate in an alternate activity.
- If a student has provided a note excusing them from swimming and chooses NOT to participate in the alternate activity assigned by the teacher, the resulting grade will be a “zero” and cannot be made up.
Student Unable to Participate in a Swimming Unit Due to Religious Reasons
If a student cannot participate in a swimming unit for religious reasons, the student will be required to participate in an alternate activity.
Athletic Waiver for PE
A junior or senior student who is participating in a school-sponsored, IHSA sport, or participating in a course for credit that requires marching band participation, may be excused from physical education courses during the time the student is participating in the activity (Board Policy 7.260). Students seeking a waiver should visit the PE department to pick-up a carbon-copy form and submit it to the Instructional Supervisor for PE, Health, and Driver Education for consideration.
Due Dates for Waiver Requests
- Fall Sport waivers are due by September 10
- Winter sport athletes must complete a waiver for both semesters.
- Waivers for first semester are due by December 1
- Waivers for second semester are due by January 23
- Spring Sport waivers are due by March 10
Some Physical Education classes do not allow waivers