Special Interest Clubs
Special Interest Clubs at Glenbrook North offer creative activities in which students can participate as they explore their interests, discover hidden talents or refine their expertise.
Students develop social and communication skills, learning how to express themselves and create meaningful connections with their peers all while having fun. Participating in these special interest clubs creates a sense of belonging and community among students, enhancing their overall high school experience.
Special Interests Clubs & Organizations Directory
Do you love Anime? Are you interested in learning more about it? Come to GBN's Anime Club. All are welcome!
Current Events provides a safe space for GBN students to discuss and analyze current events and politics.
The purpose of Friends & Company is to help facilitate interactions between students with disabilities and their non-disabled friends by participating in extra-curricular activities both within the school and with the community. You will participate in one school & one community-related activity per month. This club is open to all students.
Our mission is to provide the students at Glenbrook North with an opportunity to expand their knowledge of and appreciation for the world around them through engaging in group activities, tournaments, and events while also creating a welcoming environment for people of all knowledge levels to share a love for geography.
Come and learn about the art of fencing. Beginners and advanced fencers are welcome to learn the techniques and strategies of competitive fencing.
Intramurals are open to all students throughout the school year. There are both team & individual activities students can choose from taking place after school or early in the evening. Intramurals consist of basketball, flag football, softball, bowling, volleyball, racquetball, table tennis, and many more sports. Students may participate if they are not involved in an interscholastic sport during the season in which they choose to participate in intramurals.
The LACONIAN is the school yearbook. Students work as a production team over the course of the year, creating a work that reflects a year in the life of GBN.
Law Club is dedicated to preparing students for a career in numerous fields of law and creating an educational environment for students to learn about legal studies.
Glenbrook North’s Lit Mag offers a creative outlet for all students. Lit Mag serves as a gateway to Glenbrook North’s most powerful illustrations, writing, and photography. The purpose of this magazine is to celebrate all artists and craftspeople and shine a spotlight on those who have excelled in their work. Lit Mag strives to foster an environment where these gifted students’ voices can be heard. We invite you to embark on the journey through our publications: ​Euphonium and Helicon.
GBN Look Book gives students with an interest in fashion an outlet to learn more, express themselves, and meet new people while working to create a published magazine. The magazine will also contain flyers and member advertisements.
The GBN Mental Health Advisory Board is a group of committed students who work to end the stigma surrounding mental health. We plan events for students and staff to raise awareness and educate our community. As advocates for the student body we create safe spaces to share stories and to help promote a brighter future. In doing so, we aspire to cultivate a happier student body. All students are invited to participate in our meetings, quarterly Lunch and Learn discussions, Prevention Week activities and Spring Mental Health Awareness Fair.
To be eligible for membership, a candidate must:
- Be of junior standing, and
- Have a minimum academic grade point average of 3.5, and
- Have no academic dishonesty infractions of any kind.
Students who meet these standards will be invited to apply in early February. The application process consists of a variety of essays as well as a reflection upon a service opportunity. Generally speaking, community service activities are those that are done on behalf of others (not including family members) for which no compensation (monetary or other) has been given. These opportunities must be completed during the candidate’s high school career only and not affiliated with GBN credit. No set amount of hours will be required, however, the quality of the experience will be reflected. New members are announced in May.
What counts as service?
- Animal shelter
- Food pantry/soup kitchen
- Mission work overseas
- Senior citizen center or housing
- Packing/collecting items for soldiers
- Ronald McDonald House
- Kohl Children’s Museum
- Hospital work
- Church/Synagogue/Mosque
- Special Olympics/special needs camps
- YMCA/HA programs-helping children
- Habitat for Humanity (not the school-sponsored trip)
- Non-profit agencies
What doesn’t count as service?
- It can't be affiliated with a class, club, or sport – for example, no sociology project hours
- It can't be affiliated with family
- Camp Counseling for Park District or other camps (local or distant)
- Student can't get compensation for it
These are examples of things NOT okay:
- Raising money – this is not performing a service
- Internships
- Volunteering for a campaign
- Walking or running for a benefit (Relay for Life, Cancer walks etc.)
- Working in the office of a friend/relative doing assorted office duties
- Volunteering at a summer camp one summer so student can get paid the following summer
Since this is an honor society, it is an expectation that students advocate for themselves and ask questions they may have about NHS, the requirements, or the application process.
The Newcomer's Club is an organization that welcomes new students to GBN. Students involved with the club assist, orient and familiarize new students with the academic, activity and athletic life at GBN. This club is open to all students.
Operation Snowball is an organization dedicated to strengthening the GBN community. Members meet weekly to plan fun events and activities which promote compassion, acceptance and healthy decision-making among students and staff. Operation Snowball works together with the Student Assistance Program to make GBN a healthier, happier and more positive community for everyone.
The S.C.H.O.O.L. Magazine is dedicated to promoting creativity and free speech within the GBN community. We accept written and visual art from all students and publish 3-4 times per year.
Best Buddies International is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating opportunities for one-to-one friendships for students with disabilities. Best Buddies pairs students with challenges in one-to-one friendships with their non-disabled peers. Both students matched in the friendship are asked to maintain weekly contact, spend time with their Buddy twice a month, and attend all chapter activities and fundraisers. Meetings are held monthly after school; events are scheduled monthly. Executive Board Members meet bi-monthly.
The Shield is a great way for students of all grade levels to get involved at Glenbrook North. We are a club that focuses primarily on bringing school spirit and support to ALL activities and athletics at GBN. We are a constant presence around the school especially on Green and Gold Friday's where we often have spirit stations to get ready for the weekend events! If you're looking for a fun, energetic and easy way to meet new friends and "satisfy your soul" then join The Shield!
The Torch is published 7 times during the school year. Students have the opportunity to participate in an environment similar to that of a professional newspaper.
Membership is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors with an interest in journalism, and because Torch meets as a class, enrollment involves a selective application process that requires a recommendation from an applicant's English Teacher.
True Crime Club uses critical thinking and teamwork to solve mysteries.