Code of Conduct
This pages is fed from a posts—the Parent and Student Handbook, section 9.10.
All edits to this page, must be made to the specific posts.
Glenbrook High School administrators, coaches, directors, and sponsors of student activity groups and athletic teams believe that students who are selected for the privilege of participation on teams, squads, performing groups, clubs and other school organizations should conduct themselves as responsible representatives of the school and are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior during the season (activity) or out of season, in uniform or out of uniform, on campus or off campus.
This Code of Conduct applies to all co-curricular, extracurricular and athletic activities and is enforced 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. In addition, Glenbrook Athletic programs are governed by the Central Suburban League and Illinois High School Association by-laws. This Code does not contain a complete list of inappropriate behaviors. Violations will be treated cumulatively, with disciplinary penalties increasing with subsequent violations. A student may be excluded from extracurricular or athletic activities while the school is conducting an investigation into the student’s conduct.
The student shall not:
- Violate the school rules and school District policies on student discipline including policies and procedures on student behavior;
- Ingest or otherwise use, possess, buy, sell, offer to sell, barter, or distribute a beverage containing alcohol;
- Ingest or otherwise use, possess, buy, sell, offer to sell, barter, or distribute tobacco or nicotine in any form;
- Ingest or otherwise use, possess, buy, sell, offer to sell, barter, or distribute any product composed purely of caffeine in a loose powdered form or any illegal substance (including mood-altering and performance enhancing drugs or chemicals) or paraphernalia;
- Use, possess, buy, sell, offer to sell, barter, or distribute any object that is or could be considered a weapon or any item that is a look-alike weapon. This prohibition does not prohibit legal use of weapons in cooking and in athletics, such as archery, martial arts practice, target shooting, hunting, and skeet;
- Act in an unsportsmanlike manner;
- Violate any criminal law, including but not limited to, assault, battery, arson, theft, gambling, eavesdropping, vandalism and reckless driving;
- Haze or bully as defined by Board Policy 7.180, Bullying;
- Each coach or sponsor has the prerogative to establish additional rules pertaining to the activity supervised which do not conflict with this Code of Conduct. Such rules may include attendance at practices, curfew, dress and general conduct of participants during practices, contests, trips, etc. Rules set by the individual coach or sponsor must be approved by the Director of Athletics or the Director of Student Activities and communicated in writing to the student participants before his/her activity begins;
- Behave in a manner that disrupts or adversely affects the group or school;
- Be insubordinate or disrespectful toward the activity’s sponsors or team’s coaching staff; or
- Falsify any information contained on any permit or permission form required by the co-curricular, extracurricular or athletic activity.
Violation Procedures
Consequences for Code of Conduct infractions by athletes and activity participants are determined by the procedures below. There is no differentiation of consequences for in-season or out-of-season participation, and a penalty may carry over from season-to-season and/or year-to-year. The consequences may exceed the minimum guidelines due to the egregious nature of the infraction. Furthermore, a student who holds an elected or appointed office or position (i.e.: peer leader, team captain, student organization officer) may be required to relinquish said position upon violation of the guidelines. Penalties may be applied in every activity in which a student participates. Penalties will be applied in the current or upcoming sport and/or activity in which a student participates.
Students who are accused of violating the Code of Conduct are entitled to the following procedure:
- The student will be informed of the Code of Conduct infraction.
- The student may provide any information the student wishes for the administrator to consider.
- The administrator may investigate possible code infraction.
- If the administrator finds, that the violation occurred, the administrator will impose sanctions on the student, as follows:
- Athletics
- 1st Offense: Suspension from 10% of the season for all general Code of Conduct violations as well as use of tobacco or tobacco products, or 20% of the season for other illegal substances as defined by State of Illinois law. Student-athletes may be referred to a counselor regarding issues related to the violation. All suspensions are to be rounded to the higher full game or contest.
- 2nd Offense: Suspension from 30% of the season for all general Code of Conduct violations as well as the use of tobacco or tobacco products, or 60% of the season for other illegal substances as defined by State of Illinois law. The student-athlete will be required to attend an educational program for issues related to the violation that has been approved by the counseling and athletic departments. All suspensions are to be rounded to the higher full game or contest.
- 3rd Offense: Suspension from all athletics for one calendar year. Consequences resulting from Code of Conduct violations may be carried over from season-to-season and/or year-to-year.
- Activities - Clubs and Organizations:
- 1st Offense: Suspension from club meetings/activities for not less than four (4) weeks for all general Code of Conduct violations as well as the use of tobacco or tobacco products, or not less than seven (7) weeks for other illegal substances as defined by State of Illinois law. Participants may be referred to a counselor regarding issues related to the violation.
- 2nd Offense: Suspension from club meetings/activities for not less than nine (9) weeks for all general Code of Conduct violations as well as the use of tobacco or tobacco products, or not less than eighteen (18) weeks for other illegal substances as defined by State of Illinois law. Participants will be required to attend an educational program for issues related to the violation that has been approved by the counseling department and the Director of Student Activities.
- 3rd Offense: Suspension from club meetings/activities for one calendar year. Consequences resulting from Code of Conduct violations may be carried over from event-to-event and/or year-to-year.
- Performance and Competition Groups
- 1st Offense: Students who are in violation of general Code of Conduct rules as well as the use of tobacco or tobacco products will not be permitted to participate in and/or audition for the next major performing event and/or shall serve two (2) Saturday detentions. Students in violation of rules regarding illegal substances as defined by State of Illinois law will not be permitted to participate in and/or audition for the next performing event and/or shall serve four (4) Saturday detentions. Participants may be referred to a counselor regarding issues related to the violation.
- 2nd Offense: Suspension for at least the next performances for all general Code of Conduct violations as well as the use of tobacco or tobacco products or the next two (2) performances for other illegal substances as defined by State of Illinois law. Participants will be required to attend an educational program for issues related to the violation that has been approved by the counseling department and the Director of Student Activities.
- 3rd Offense: Suspension from performing events for one calendar year. Consequences resulting from Code of Conduct violations may be carried over from event-to-event and/or year-to-year.
- Athletics
Modification of Athletic or Team Uniform
Students may not modify their athletic or team uniform. If a student desires to modify their athletic or team uniform in accordance with the requirements of the student’s religion or the student’s cultural values, they must follow the National Federation of High School requirements. Please check with the Head Coach of the program or the Assistant Principal for Athletics regarding any uniform modifications.