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Parents' Association

The GBN Parents' Association is committed to fostering a strong sense of community and support among parents, students, faculty and administration at our school.

Our goals include promoting parent education, facilitating communication, and encouraging active participation in school activities. We also take pride in recognizing outstanding achievements through prestigious awards like the Distinguished Teacher Award, the E. J. Duffy Spartan Spirit Award, and the Paul Pryma Award for Courageous Kindness.

By working collaboratively with other parent groups and closely with our school's leadership, we aim to advance the school's mission and create a nurturing environment for all. Explore our webpage to learn more about our initiatives and how you can get involved!

If you have any questions please contact us at

Objectives of the GBN Parents’ Association


  • To build understanding and support within the parent community for the school and its goals, and to promote parent education;
  • To serve as an avenue of communication and foster cooperative relationships among the parents, students, faculty and administration of the school;
  • To encourage the participation of parents in school activities;
  • To work collaboratively with other parent groups at the school;
  • To recognize outstanding achievement by sponsoring the Distinguished Teacher Award, the E. J. Duffy Spartan Spirit Award, and the Paul Pryma Award for Courageous Kindness;
  • To work closely with the school’s principal and other administrative personnel to further the school’s mission.

Why Join?

  • Your $25 dues will positively impact our GBN Community
    • The Staff Benefits: The GBNPA contributes hospitality, meals, sweet treats; awards; thank you gifts, year-end gifts, and retirement gifts for teachers and GBN staff.
    • The Students Benefits: We provide annual scholarship awards for students, Grad Night support, GBN Foundation donation, the school newspaper and yearbook.
    • The Parent Association Members Benefit: Home mailing of the Torch, the GBN student newspaper.
    • The School Benefits: We provide an annual gift to the school that benefits students, staff and parents.
  • Volunteer opportunities. Volunteering is completely optional, but many parents like to be involved in the following activities:
    • Baking and serving for teacher and staff appreciation events
    • Assisting in the selection of the student and staff awards
    • Representing GBN parents on committees related to important issues, including school safety, all-school workshop, and curriculum.
  • Opportunity to connect to the GBN Community
    • You will receive copies of the Torch, the GBN student newspaper, delivered to your home.
    • Invitation to attend monthly PA meetings to hear from the District 225 Superintendent, the GBN Principal and other GBN educators


Join Now


Officers and Committee Heads