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College Visits Calendar

Fall College Visits

During the fall semester, over 150 colleges and universities visit Glenbrook North High School. These college visits provide a great opportunity for you to learn more about a particular college within our own building. It is an opportunity for you to learn about a college that you may not have visited, or to ask questions of the admission representative from a college you have already visited. The visits are either question and answer sessions or more formal presentations. It depends upon the number of students present. Seniors and Juniors are invited to attend. 

Procedures for Attending College Visits

  • Visits are scheduled during the first half of each block. Allow approximately 45 minutes per visit. Students must return to their scheduled class at the conclusion of the visit.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to pre-arrange a class absence with the teacher at least one day prior to the visit. Approval to attend a college visit is at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Student Services cannot excuse you from class.  
  • At the beginning of the block, please report directly to the room where the college visit is to be held. A GBN parent volunteer and the college representative will meet you. 
  • It is essential that you are on time and remain until the end of the representative's presentation so as not to miss important college information or disrupt the representative and other students. If it is not possible for you to attend a college visit, you may contact the representative by phone or email (college rep info is available on Naviance).
  • Please give the college representative your undivided attention. They may be the individual who will be evaluating your application or speaking on your behalf to an admission committee. 
  • You must sign the attendance sheet when you arrive to the college visit. The Attendance Office will receive a copy of this sheet to verify your presence. 
  • At the conclusion of the visit, you will be issued a special pass to verify that you were in attendance. It should be given to your teacher upon your return to class. 

Calendar Search

Date Range
October 2024
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat/Sun
Monday, September 30
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Wellesley College
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Savannah College of Art and Design
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
University of Kentucky
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Marist College
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Western Illinois University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
University of Missouri-Columbia
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Tuesday, October 1
Roger Williams University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
DePauw University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Northeastern University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Wednesday, October 2
Boston College
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Drexel University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Pennsylvania State University & University of Washington
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology & University of Colorado Boulder
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Thursday, October 3
Friday, October 4
Southern Methodist University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
California Polytechnic State University & University of Denver
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Santa Clara University and New York University Shanghai, China
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
University of the Pacific
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Saturday, October 5
Sunday, October 6
Monday, October 7
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
University of California-Davis
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Iowa State University & Reichman University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Tuesday, October 8
Landmark College & San Diego State University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Saint Louis University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Lynn University & University of Iowa
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Saint Norbert College
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Wednesday, October 9
American University & University of Maryland
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
University of Notre Dame & University at Buffalo
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Providence College
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Thursday, October 10
University of California Los Angeles
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Michigan State University & University of Miami
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Grand Valley State University & Stony Brook University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Northern Illinois University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Friday, October 11
University of Pennsylvania
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Arizona State University-Tempe
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Saturday, October 12
Sunday, October 13
Monday, October 14
Tuesday, October 15
Dartmouth College & University of Cincinnati
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
University of Vermont & Xavier University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Marquette University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Beloit College
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Wednesday, October 16
University of Tennessee & University of Redlands
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Florida Atlantic University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Vanderbilt University & University of Oregon
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Clark University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Thursday, October 17
Colgate University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
University of Tampa & Oberlin College
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Centre College
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Chapman University & Arizona State University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Friday, October 18
Colorado College
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
US Navy
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Saturday, October 19
Sunday, October 20
Monday, October 21
Lehigh University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Northern Michigan University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Luther College
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Tuesday, October 22
Calvin University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Alma College & College of Charleston
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Saint Mary's College
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Wednesday, October 23
University of Louisville
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Case Western Reserve University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Middlebury College
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Illinois Institute of Technology
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Thursday, October 24
Oregon State University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Pomona College & University of Southern California
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Loyola University - Chicago
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Haverford College
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Friday, October 25
Saturday, October 26
Sunday, October 27
Monday, October 28
Hofstra University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Seton Hall University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Illinois State University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Tuesday, October 29
Millikin University
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Wednesday, October 30
College of the Holy Cross
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Gettysburg College
Meeting locations can be found on poster outside the CRC
Thursday, October 31
Friday, November 1
Saturday, November 2
Sunday, November 3