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Nurses' Office

The Glenbrook North Nurses' Office is available to all students during school hours.  Led by a Certified School Nurse, the nursing team provides a significant amount of services to students and families.

These services include:

  • Providing vision and hearing screening;
  • Offering counseling to students based on personal health needs;
  • Coordinating student medication;
  • Recommending educational adaptations as necessary for individual needs including special education;
  • Recommending entrance into the adaptive physical education program;
  • Serving as a liaison between the school, student, parent and physician regarding the student’s health status when under a physician’s care;
  • Assisting families in using available community health resources;
  • Supervising compliance with physical and immunization regulations with the Illinois School Code and Illinois Department of Public Health; and
  • Maintaining up-to-date cumulative health records.

Contacting the Nurses' Office

Student Health Requirements

More details about health requirements for students can be found on our student health requirements webpage.