Contacts & Resources
Anonymous Reporting
You have the following options to report incidents:
Spartan Concern Form
Students can submit anonymous communication regarding safety of themselves or others to Glenbrook North.
Text-a-Tip is a 24/7 anonymous text-communication system for youth needing immediate mental health assistance for themselves or a friend.
Students can text "GBN HELP" and their message to (844) 823-5323.
Call 911
If you believe that the safety of yourself or someone else is at immediate risk, CALL 911.
Contacting the School
Important Phone Numbers
Main: (847) 272-6400
Athletic Office: (847) 509-2424
Bookstore: (847) 509-2409
Deans' Office: (847) 509-2453
Food Services: (847) 509-2408
Nurses' Office: (847) 509-2410
Student Activities Office: (847) 509-2671
Student Services Office: (847) 509-2528
Technology Help Desk: (847) 486-4555
Office Hours: 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
School Hours: 8 a.m.–3:15 p.m.